Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hari Valentine Dan Islam

Disini diberi sedikit sejarah mengenai Hari Valentine dan kenapa umat Islam di haramkan menyambutnya.

Islam &Valentines

How did Valentine’s Day originate?

Valentine’s Day also known as the ‘Festival of Love’of the pagan Romans dates back to the 17th century when paganism was on the rise in Rome. The Christian heirs of the era have associated many myths and legends with thisRoman festival based on ‘spiritual love’. The most popular of these myths was about Romulus who was the founder of Rome. Romans believed that once he was suckled by a female wolf.

Every year this event was celebrated by Romans in mid-February with a big festival in which a goat and a dog was sacrificed. The blood of these sacrificed animals was then smeared on the bodies of two strong, muscularyouths and washed away with milk. After this ritual the two men would lead ahuge parade on the streets with pieces of leather in their hands. They used theleather pieces to hit anyone who came in their way. Roman women welcomed theseblows as they believed that it would cure or prevent infertility. 

The link between St. Valentine and pagan Romanfestival:

The name St. Valentine is given to two of the ancient‘martyrs’ of the Christian Church. Some say there were two of themwhile others say there was only one who was martyred by the Gothic LeaderClaudius in 296 CE. Half a century later a church was built in the honor of St.Valentine on the site of his death.
The celebrating of the Feast of Love continued by the Romans even afterthey embraced Christianity, however the pagan concept of ‘spirituallove’ was now changed to ‘martyrs of love’. This was done tocommemorate the massacre of St. Valentine who was a promoter of peace and loveand was supposedly martyred for the same cause. The festival was also called Feast of Lovers and Saint Valentine was considered to be a supporter of lovers.

A false belief connected with this festival was that the names of young unmarried girls would be written on pieces of paper and placed in a dish on atable. A young man who wanted to marry would be called to pick a piece of paperto draw a name of a girl. He would then hangout with that girl for a year so that the couple gets to know each other, and then get married. This process was repeated every year during the festival.

The Christian clergy abolished this tradition in Italy, as theybelieved it would cause corruption of the society. In the 18th and 19thcenturies it was revived again in some Western countries where they sold booksof love poems in shops. These books were called “Valentine books”and had suggestions for writing love letters.

Islam’s stance on the celebration ofValentine’s Day

Islam teaches us true love and cooperation for that which is good andrighteous. There are forms of love in Islam that are acceptable while others arenot. We must be aware that love for Allahand His Prophet (PBUH) must be giventhe highest priority over all other forms of love.

There are occasions in Islam that increase love between people and bring themcloser to each other. However, Islam prohibits us to blindly follow the West byadopting their customs and traditions such as the celebration of theValentine’s Day. Therefore commemorating and promoting that specialoccasion of Valentine’s Day is Biddah or innovation and has no place inour religion. Islam totally rejects all such innovations. Islam encourages usto love one another all the time throughout the year, and limiting the wholeyear to a single day is illogical.

There is evidence in Quran and Hadith that supports the statements mentionedabove:
“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never beaccepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers [Aal‘Imraan 3:85]

And the Prophet (PBUH) had said that groups of his Ummah would follow theenemies ofAllah in some of their rituals and customs, as it is stated in ahadith of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, who narrated that the Prophet (PBUH)said: “You will certainly follow the ways of those who came before you,span by span, cubit by cubit, until even if they were to enter a lizard’shole, you would follow them.” We said, “O Messenger of Allah, (doyou mean) the Jews and Christians?” He said, “Who else?!”

(Narrated by al-Bukhaari in al-I’tisaam bi’l-Kitaabwa’l-Sunnah, Baab Qawl al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)La tattabi’unna Sanan man kaana qablakum, 8/151; and byMuslim in Kitaabal-‘Ilm, Baab Ittibaa’ Sanan al-Yahood wa’l-Nasaara, 4/2054)

What the Prophet (PBUH) told us 1400 years ago has indeed come true in recenttimes. ManyMuslims today follow the enemies of Allah by imitating some oftheir rituals, customs and that includes the celebration of Valentine’sDay.
Muslims should avoid celebrating this occasion by:

1- Not expressing joy and happiness on this occasion.

2- Not exchanging red roses, which represent the ‘spiritual love’of the pagans or the ‘love’ of the Christians. Hence it is known tothem as the Feast of Lovers.

3- Not sending greeting cards as some of their cards have pictures of“Cupid” (a child with two wings carrying bows and arrows). This wasthe god of love of the pagan Romans.

4- Not exchanging words of love and desire in the cards or verbally. Some ofthe cards contain the words ‘be my Valentine’. This is theChristian concept of this festival after they adopted from the pagan Romans.

5- Not attending dance parties with mixed gatherings.
Why Muslims should not celebrate this festival.
In Islam, the festivals are clearly defined and well established, andno additions or subtractions may be accepted. They have been prescribed for usby Allah and His Messenger (PBUH).

‘To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way[al-Maa’idah 5:48]
‘For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they mustfollow’ [al-Hajj 22:67]
Agreeing with the whole festival is like agreeing with kufr. Agreeingwith some of their minor issues is the same as agreeing with them in some ofthe branches of kufr. Festivals are the most distinctive things whichdifferentiate religions, so participating in their festivals is like agreeingwith the most distinctive rituals of kufr.

Imitating the non-believers in general –whether they are idol-worshippersor People of the Book is unlawful. This is indicated by the Qur’aan,Sunnah and ijmaa’ (scholarly consensus):

“And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after theclear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awfultorment” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:105]
From the Sunnah: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (narrated by Ahmad,2/50; Abu Dawood, 4021)

Prohibition of imitation the Non-believers is one of the basic tenets of theIslamic law. Allahsent His Messenger with guidance and the true religion sothat it might prevail over all other religions, and Allah has perfected Hisreligion for mankind.

“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favorupon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”[al-Maa’idah 5:3].

Allah has made Islam perfect as it satisfies all human interests at all times,in all places and for all people. Why then do we need to adopt the ways of theNon-believers?
May Allah guide us all and protect us from evil.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Majlis Maulidur Bersama Ustaz Don

Ceramah Ustaz Don Danial Don Biyazid Sempena Maulidur Rasul di MARDI Ibu Pejabat pada 5hb Februari 2013 bersamaan 24 R’Awal 1434H

Ceramah di anjurkan bersama Pusat  Sumber Manusia MARDI (SM)  dan Persatuan Kebajikan Kakitangan Islam MARD (PKKIM) di auditorium MARDI Ibu Pejabat.

Intisari ceramah:
1.         Setiap utusan Allah iaitu para Rasul dan Nabi pasti diuji oleh Allah. Di dalam AlQuran diceritakan bahawa Nabi Yunus tidak disukai oleh kaumnya begitu  hebat sekali  sehingga nabi tersebut terpaksa pergi merantau  jauh meninggal kaumnya. Beliau menaiki kapal sehingga beliau dibuang kelaut dan dimakan oleh ikan nun (Surah As Shafaat : 144 ).) setelah diundi beberapa kali. Didalam perut ikan (Surah As Shaffat: 145) Nabi Yunus berdoa sehingga beliau di muntahkan kedarat. Doa tersebut berbunyi :

Ertinya :"Tidak ada Tuhan yang sebenarnya disembah melainkan engkau, ya Allah. Maha Suci engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang yang membuat zalim."SURAH AL-ANBIYA (21):87.
Begitu juga nabi Nuh Alaihi Salam  telah menyampaikan risalah Allah selama 1000 tahun tetapi kaumnya ingkar dimana hanya 90 orang yang menjadi pengikut beliau. Nabi Nuh terpaksa membuat kapal besar atau bahtera  tetapi telah  diejek-ejek oleh kaumnya. Setelah banjir berlaku kapal nabi Nuh belajar dan beliau membaca
Maksudnya    ‘Dengan nama Allah bergerak lajunya dan berhentinya'. Sesungguhnya Tuhanku adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."(Surah Hud 11: 41)
Demikianlah cobaan dan keingkaran nabi-nabi ini telah dikisahkan diadalam Al-Quran. Keingkaran ini juga dilakukan sendiri oleh anak nabi Nuh sendiri.

Para hadirin dan hadirat mendengar ceramah di auditorium MARDI Ibu Pejabat.

2.         Untuk mengamalkan sunnah Nabi, kita sebagai seorang Muslimin atau Muslimat mestilah tahu siapa nabi Muhammad sebenar. Erti sebenar mengenal nabi itu ialah dari segi peribadi, risalah yang di bawa atau diutuskan, akhlak, tutur kata dan sebagai. Contohnya Nabi sebagai pemimpin, ketua keluarga, ketua perang, mengetahui sahabat-sahabat nya serta mukjizat-mukjizatnya dan sifat-sifat yang ada pada Nabi (Siddiq, Tabligh, Amanah, Fatanah). Sesiapa yang tidak mahu mengenal nabi bererti hatinya menjadi keras.

3.         Untuk mengekalkan mahabbah didalam keluarga atau organisasi sentiasa seorang Muslim atau Muslimat itu member ucapan ‘SALAM”. Ucapan ini hendaklah sentiasa diungkap kerana dapat mengelakkan syak wasangka diantara sesame kita.  Kita hendaklah sentiasa sebarkan SALAM. Diantara salah satu tanda diakhir zaman ini ialah orang mukmin hanya mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang kita kenal sahaja.

4.         Diantara mukjizat-mukjizat pada Nabi s.a.w. iaitu pokok berjalan kearah Nabi

Daripada Jabir bin abdillah r.a. menceritakan bahawa kami pernah melalui sebuah lembah yang luas dalam perjalanan kami.baginda ingin membuang air tetapi tidak ada dinding yang akan melindungi nabi s.a.w.baginda pergi kepada dua batang pokok di kawasan itu dan memegang salah satu daripada daunnya sambil berkata:"hai pokok,ikutlah aku dengan izin allah!pokok itu lantas mengikuti nabi s.a.w. seperti unta yang dicucuk hidungnya sehingga dapat disuruh dengan mudahnya.setelah itu nabi s.a.w. pergi kepada pokok yang kedua lalu melakukan perkara yang sama.baginda berkata kepada kedua-dua pokok itu."sekarang kalian berdua bersatulah untuk melindungiku dengan izin Allah."maka kedua-dua pokok itu bersatu untuk melindungi nabi s.a.w. yang sedang membuang air.saya yang merasa terkejut dengan pengalaman itu bergerak menjauhi tempat itu .pada waktu saya hampir duduk ,saya melihat rasulullah sudah berada di hadapan saya dan kedua-dua pokok itu sudah berada tempat asalnya."(Riwayat Muslim)

5. Janganlah kita menjadi seperti orang-orang terdahulu kerana telah diberikan kita tetapi mendustainya.
Surah Al Mujadallah 22: “ Engkau tidak akan dapati sesuatu kaum yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, tergamak berkasih-mesra dengan orang-orang yang menentang (perintah) Allah dan RasulNya, sekalipun orang-orang yang menentang itu ialah bapa-bapa mereka, atau anak-anak mereka atau saudara-saudara mereka ataupun keluarga mereka. Mereka (yang setia) itu, Allah telah menetapkan iman dalam hati mereka dan telah menguatkan mereka dengan semangat pertolongan daripadaNya dan Dia akan memasukkan mereka ke dalam Syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, mereka tetap kekal di dalamnya. Allah reda akan mereka dan mereka reda (serta bersyukur) akan nikmat pemberianNya. Merekalah penyokong-penyokong (agama) Allah. Ketahuilah! Sesungguhnya penyokong-penyokong (agama) Allah itu ialah orang-orang yang Berjaya”.
6. Akhir sekali penceramah memberi kata-kata dari AlQuran
Surah An Nisaa: 64. “Dan Kami tidak mengutus seseorang Rasul pun melainkan supaya dia ditaati dengan izin Allah dan kalaulah mereka ketika menganiaya diri mereka sendiri datang kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) lalu memohon ampun kepada Allah dan Rasulullah juga memohon ampun untuk mereka, tentulah mereka mendapati Allah Maha Penerima taubat, lagi Maha Mengasihani”

Semoga kita mendapat pelajaran dari apa yang disampaikan. InsyaAllah.

Ustaz Don menyampaikan ceramah di sebelah kanan Tn Haji Ghazali Omar (Pengarah Pusat Sumber Manusia MARDI) dan sebelah kanan Dr. Zainudin Haji Meon (Yang Di Pertua Persatuan Kebajikan Kakitangan Islam MARDI). Hadiran terpaksa duduk diatas pentas kerana tempat duduk tidak mencukupi di auditorium.

Ustaz Don bersama-sama Ketua pengarah MARDI Datuk Dr.Abdul Shukur Abd.Rahman ditemani oleh En Azman Saad (Pengarah Korporat), Dr. Zainudin Haji  Meon (YDP, PKKIM) , Tn. Haji Ghazali Omar (Pengarah Sumber manusia) dan Tn.Hj Ghani Mohamad (Pengarah Pengurusan Stesen)

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Mualidur Rasul Bersama Ustaz Selebriti

Kali ini kami menganjurkan Maulidur Rasul di pejabat kami dengan mengundang ustaz selebriti iaitu Ustaz Don Danial lebih di kenali dengan Ustaz Don. Ustaz ini sangat popular di TV Hijrah keran megelolakan rancangan Tiga Puluh Minit Bersama Ustaz Don.Walaupun proram ini 30 minit tetapi penonton telah sampai jutaan orang. 
Kami memanggil Ustaz Don supaya dapat mentarbiyahkan orang-orang muda supaya dapat mendekatkan diri kepada Allah.Satu kelebihan Ustaz Don saya perhatikan penyampaiannya adalah secara santai-mudah difahami dan secara seloka dan selamba sahaja. Itu caranya untuk menarik orang-orang muda kepada dakwah, janganlah  kita menggunakan perkataan yang berbelit-belit.